Love Addiction and Sexual Compulsion – Are You Addicted to Love?

July 25, 2023

Love Addiction : Unravelling the Reasons and Impact on Relationships and Lives

Countless songs have extolled the fact that ‘Love is a many a splendored thing’ and that it ‘Lifts us up where we belong’.
But is it always the perfect aspirational emotion, as so many pop tunes insist? After all, as Robert Palmer and Roxy Music also warned us, ‘Love is the drug’ and we ’Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love’.


love addiction

Love, the exhilarating emotion that binds souls together, can sometimes become an obsession that dominates our lives. Love addiction, although not recognised as an official diagnosis in the US Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), is a phenomenon that affects numerous individuals. This article explores the reasons behind love and sexual compulsion and delves into its impact on relationships and overall wellbeing.


Understanding Love Addiction and Sexual Compulsion

There is some controversy over using the term ‘sex addict’.

There is no physical addiction per se, however, love addiction can be described as an obsessive and compulsive pattern of seeking love, affection, and validation from others, often to the detriment of one’s emotional well-being. Those who struggle with love addiction often find themselves constantly pursuing romantic relationships or intensely infatuated with a particular person, seeking the rush and euphoria associated with falling in love.

Often these are inappropriate or emotionally unavailable people, such as those already in other relationships, or who are simply not interested in the ‘love addict’. These often become the target of a ‘romantic obsession’ as the ‘addict’ puts the object of their affection on a pedestal and tries to ‘love bomb’ them into submission. When spurned this can throw the ‘addict’ into a pit of self-loathing and depression, or increase their obsessional behaviour into a downward spiral of stalking or worse behaviours.

Sexual compulsion, also known as hypersexuality or compulsive sexual behaviour, refers to a condition characterised by an intense and uncontrollable preoccupation with sexual thoughts, fantasies, urges, or behaviours. People experiencing sexual compulsion may find it challenging to manage their sexual impulses, leading to negative consequences in various areas of their life, including relationships, work, and overall well-being. If untreated behaviours tend to escalate and worsen until some crisis point is reached.


Signs and symptoms of sexual compulsion may include:

  1. Excessive time spent engaging in sexual fantasies or activities.
  2. Inability to control or limit sexual behaviours despite negative consequences.
  3. Neglecting work, social, or family obligations due to preoccupation with sex.
  4. Engaging in risky sexual behaviours without regard for personal safety.
  5. Feeling distressed or anxious if unable to engage in sexual activities.
  6. Experiencing guilt, shame, or embarrassment about sexual behaviours. Contrastingly, no guilt or shame could be felt as there might be a level of dissociation from the behaviour.
  7. Difficulty maintaining stable and healthy relationships due to sexual behaviours.
  8. Using sex as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, loneliness, anxiety, or emotional distress.
  9. Lying to continue the secrecy.

Sexual compulsion

It’s essential to note that a healthy and consensual interest in sex is normal for most individuals. However, when sexual thoughts or behaviours become excessive, uncontrollable, or cause distress and impairment in daily life, it may be indicative of sexual compulsion.


Reasons for Love Addiction and Sexual Compulsion

Several factors may contribute to the development of love addiction:

  • Childhood experiences: Early experiences, such as neglect, abandonment, or inconsistent caregiving, can create a deep-seated longing for love and validation. Individuals who lacked emotional nurturing in childhood may seek to fill the void through romantic relationships, becoming dependent on others for their sense of self-worth.
    Children who do not experience consistent love and care may grow up with a fear of abandonment and an intense desire to seek love and validation from others. This creates a behavioural pattern in which a person becomes excessively dependent on romantic relationships to meet emotional needs and to feel a sense of self-worth. This can lead to a series of unhealthy and often destructive relationships.
  • Seeking Validation: Individuals may develop a persistent need for validation and acceptance from others. This could lead them to constantly seek out new romantic partners, hoping that the love and attention received will fill the emotional void created by past neglect.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Early experiences can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem and self-worth. Those who have experienced neglect may struggle to develop a strong sense of self and may seek external validation through romantic relationships. Love addiction becomes a way to feel temporarily valued and validated.
  • Emotional Regulation:  Past traumas, heartbreaks, or unresolved emotional wounds can perpetuate love addiction. As a result, individuals may turn to love and romantic relationships to cope with emotional pain or loneliness, using them as a way to numb or distract themselves from unresolved issues.
  • Co-dependency: Love addiction and co-dependency often go hand in hand. Co-dependency is characterised by an excessive reliance on others for emotional support and a tendency to prioritise their needs above one’s own. Love addicts may engage in unhealthy relationships where they enable their partner’s destructive behaviour or endure emotional abuse due to their fear of being alone.

How early neglect can contribute to the development of love addiction:

  • Avoidance of Intimacy: Paradoxically, some individuals who experienced early neglect may crave love and intimacy, but struggle to form deep, meaningful connections. They may engage in a series of short-lived, intense relationships or pursue unattainable partners, keeping intimacy at arm’s length to protect themselves from potential rejection or hurt.

  • Reenacting Past Trauma: Sometimes, people unconsciously seek out relationships that mirror their early experiences of neglect or abandonment. They may try to “fix” their past by reenacting familiar patterns, even if those patterns are unhealthy. This can perpetuate a cycle of love addiction and dissatisfaction.


It’s important to note that not everyone who experiences early neglect will develop love addiction, and the causes of love addiction are multifaceted and can vary from person to person. The effects of early neglect can be addressed through therapy, self-awareness, and a commitment to personal growth, helping individuals develop healthier relationship patterns and break free from destructive cycles.


Impact on Relationships and Lifestyle

Love addiction can have profound effects on relationships and overall wellbeing:

  1. Unhealthy relationship patterns: Love addicts may repeatedly find themselves in toxic or codependent relationships, often unable to establish healthy boundaries or maintain long-term commitments. The constant need for external validation can lead to clinginess, jealousy, and possessiveness, suffocating the other person.
  2. Emotional rollercoaster: Love addiction is characterised by extreme highs and lows. The intense infatuation and initial stages of a relationship provide a rush of euphoria, but as the relationship progresses, the addict may start to feel anxious, insecure, and unworthy. This emotional rollercoaster can take a toll on mental health and stability.
  3. Neglecting personal growth: Love addicts often prioritise romantic relationships over personal growth and self-care. Their lives may revolve around finding and maintaining relationships, leading them to neglect their careers, hobbies, family and friendships.
  4. Emotional distress and withdrawal: When love addictlove addictions are unable to find or sustain a romantic relationship, they may experience profound emotional distress, including feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The withdrawal from the addictive cycle of seeking love can be incredibly challenging and may lead to a sense of emptiness.


Seeking Help and Recovery

Prioritising healthy relationships and experiences can lead to greater balance, reduced stress, and increased overall well-being. As individuals, we all deserve the opportunity to experience these life-enhancing aspects and build meaningful connections with others. Recognising and addressing love addiction is a crucial step towards healing and building healthier relationships. Seeking professional therapy, such as psychodynamic therapy, can help individuals understand the underlying causes of their addiction and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Support groups can also provide valuable guidance and encouragement during the recovery process.

If you or someone you know is struggling with love addiction or sexual compulsion, seeking help from a mental health professional is essential. They can provide a thorough assessment and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include therapy, counselling, support groups, or, in some cases, medication. Remember, seeking help is a crucial step towards improving one’s well-being and overall quality of life.

Claire at Insight is experienced at helping people to come out the other side of a life led by sexual compulsion and love addiction. If you’re experiencing problems and you’d like to begin therapy to change the way you are leading your life, get in touch here.